Master Plan Update Community Survey 2017

[ezcol_2third]The Town of Cornish Planning Board is in the process of updating the Town Master Plan.  The purpose of the Master Plan is to set down as clearly and practically as possible a vision for the appropriate future development of Cornish.  The Master Plan guides the town in developing ordinances that support the preservation and enhancement of the unique quality of life and culture of our town through the principles of smart growth, sound planning, and wise resource protection.  Our current Master Plan was approved in 2009.  Please visit the Master Plan Page to view the current plan.

Public input is critical to our Master Plan.  The preliminary tally of the Master Plan Community Surveys is complete.   The Board will conduct an analysis of the data which will inform the next steps in the Master Plan Update process.

Thank you to all who participated in the survey process!
The Cornish Planning Board


[/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end]Click here for Community Survey Results:

[ezcol_2third]Some Useful Background Information
Minimum Lot Size:
The minimum lot size is minimum acreage of a lot that can be approved in a particular zone.  Existing lots may be smaller than the minimum lot size in a particular zone, but all new lots must meet the minimum lot size requirements.  Increasing the minimum lot size potentially decreases building density.  Decreasing the minimum lot size potentially increases density.

Expanding/Decreasing Zoning District:
Expanding or decreasing the size of a zoning district would change the size of the ‘footprint’ of land a district covers.  The minimum lot size requirements would remain the same within the district.

Rezoning from Residential to Village:
In effect, the minimum lot size would change from 2 acres to 1 acre if a district were rezoned from Residential to Village.

Minimum lot size is just one of the dimensional standards in our zoning ordinance.  Please click here for a table of dimensional standards from the Cornish Zoning Ordinance.

Other effects of Zoning Districts:
Besides dimensional standards, permitted uses are regulated in each district.  Please click here for a listing of uses permitted by right and uses permitted by special exception in each district.

For the Cornish Zoning Ordinance in its entirety, please click here.[/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end]Zoning Maps
